Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Practicing for your Motorcycle License Test

It is important to practice for your on-bike skills test (and in some states required), but be sure to do so safely. First of all, make sure you fulfill all the legal requirements to be riding your motorcycle.

These vary from state to state, and in many cases you must already have passed a written test and obtained a permit to ride. Be sure to check your local state laws and fulfill all necessary requirements.

Before you practice, you must find an appropriate spot. Empty parking lots are best - check at shopping centers, schools, and community centers. The best time to go is often early in the morning on a weekend, as there will be enough light for you to see well, but most people won't be up yet. Be sure to ask permission from the owner before you start practicing.

If you're using an empty parking lot, it's important to check the surface. Often, parked cars will leave oil, which can be hazardous, especially to an inexperienced rider. Other potential issues to watch out for are loose gravel, glass, and other objects on the pavement.

When practicing, wear proper protective clothing. Just because you're not out ont he street doesn't mean something can't happen, so never ride your bike without a helmet and other protective gear.
To practice, it helps to bring some cones as markers. Most people don't have access to cones, so you can also use things like plastic bottles, or you can just draw markers with chalk. Be sure to clean up any objects you use before leaving.

Practice basic exercises like slowing down and stopping safely, accelerating smoothly, and weaving through the objects that you brought with you. If possible, bring an experienced motorcycle rider with you, as he or she will be able to tell you what you are doing right and wrong, and how to correct any problems with your riding.

Be sure to address all the real world situations you may encounter while practicing on your bike. Don't just stop smoothly - pretend that someone cut you off on the road and you have to brake quickly. Instead of just making big, smooth turns, you should practice cornering sharply. It is important to remember that riding on the road isn't like riding in a parking lot, and there will be many unexpected variables.

Practice is important not only for your driving test, but also for the real world, so be sure that you've spent enough time in parking lots before you hit the streets. Good luck and safe riding!

To learn more about getting your motorcycle license, check out Get Your Motorcycle License, which covers all aspects of motorcycle exams and motorcycle safety.

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